Links to this note
- DeFi from Scratch
- DeFi
- Uniswap
- Non-Fungible Tokens vs. Fungible Tokens
- Move
- P2P
- Addressable Merkle Tree(AMT)
- Starcoin Blockchain from Scartch
- Merkle tree
- Blockchain: It's not still the early days
- Crypto: the good, the bad and the ugly
- Smart contracts
- Decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs)
- A not so gentle intro to web3
- Web3
- Ledger, the first peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the study of blockchains and cryptocurrencies!
- Proof-of-stake
- Ethereum
- Proof-of-work
- Blockchain Proof
- Shinobi Systems' Solana Proof of Stake + Proof of History Primer
- Solana
- Blockchain Demo
- Video: Blockchain 101 - A Visual Demo
- Distributed consensus (blockchain) simulation and visualization